A: An owner’s policy of title insurance covers “you”, as the owner, for as long as you own the property and beyond. It is a one-time fee. The best time to purchase an owner’s policy is at the time of purchase of the property. The lender’s policy only covers your particular lender for as long as you owe them. If you pay them off or refinance with them or a new lender, that policy is no longer valid.
A: Here are just a few of the most common hidden risks that can cause loss of title or create an encumbrance on a title:
• False Impersonation of the True Owner of the Property
• Forged Deeds, Releases or Wills
• Undisclosed or Missing Heirs
• Instruments Executed Under Invalid or Expired Power of Attorney
• Mistakes in Recording Legal Documents
• Misinterpretations of Wills
• Deeds by Persons of Unsound Mind
• Deeds by Minors
• Deeds by Persons Supposedly Single, but Actually Married
• Liens for Unpaid Estate, Inheritance, Income or Gift Taxes
• Fraud